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  • How Magicians Think

  • Misdirection, Deception, and Why Magic Matters
  • De : Joshua Jay
  • Lu par : Joshua Jay
  • Durée : 7 h et 40 min

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How Magicians Think

De : Joshua Jay
Lu par : Joshua Jay
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    The door to magic is closed, but it’s not locked.

    And now Joshua Jay, one of the world’s most accomplished magicians, not only opens that door but brings us inside to reveal the artistry and obsessiveness, esoteric history, and long-whispered-about traditions of a subject shrouded in mystery.

    And he goes one step further: Joshua Jay brings us right into the mind of a magician—how they develop their other worldly skills, conjure up illusions, and leave the rest of us slack-jawed with delight time after time. Along the way, Jay reveals another kind of secret, one all listeners will find meaningful even if they never aspire to perform sleight of hand: What does it take to follow your heart and achieve excellence?

    In 52 short, compulsively listenable essays, Jay describes how he does it, whether it’s through the making of illusions, the psychology behind them, or the way technology influences the world of magic. He considers the aesthetics of performance, discusses contemporary masters, including David Copperfield, Penn and Teller, and David Blaine, and details how magicians hone their craft. And answers questions like: Can a magic trick be too good? How do you saw a person in half? Is there real magic in the universe? The answers, like so much in magic and life, depend on you.

    ©2021 Joshua Jay (P)2022 Workman Publishing Company


    "[How Magicians Think] is delightful in being both a how-to book for aspiring artists and an in-depth view of the world of magic and its artisans. Jay is refreshingly candid in how he views his work, often self-deprecating, but always serious about his passion for his trade. An entertaining book from start to finish."—Booklist

    How Magicians Think is fascinating, beautiful, and can't-put-down shocking. It will inspire awe in its depiction of the secretive world of magicians and is a must-read for anyone passionate about pursuing excellence.” —Uri Geller

    How Magicians Think is one of the most remarkable books I have ever read! Joshua Jay is a genius storyteller who has distilled a life’s worth of insights into a single book, and the result is magical.” —Steven Levitt, co-author of Freakonomics

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