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Couverture de How I Made Six Million Dollars in Three Years: And How You Can Too!

How I Made Six Million Dollars in Three Years: And How You Can Too!

De : Barry Ellsworth
Lu par : Barry Ellsworth
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    What would it be worth to you if someone could actually teach you how to make six million dollars in three years? In his new audiobook, Barry Ellsworth describes in detail each of the steps he took to create a company that has since grown into one of the largest ethanol producers in the world, and how in the process, he made six million dollars during the first three years of the company's existence.

    A friend of the author who works for a billionaire real estate developer recently commented after reading the book that she has never seen anyone explain in such detail how a deal is actually done as Barry has in this book. He describes from beginning to end the thought processes and considerations one must go through to first conceive of doing a deal of significant size and to then bring it to fruition. It is truly an eye opening experience.

    The author often compares making money to learning how to ride a bicycle. He explains that no one is born knowing how to ride a bike or how to make money. However, everyone can learn how to do both with a little instruction and practice. Once you learn, both are things you will never forget. It is simply becoming familiar with the process and then going out and doing the work. The process described in How I Made Six Million Dollars in Three Years can be applied to any field of endeavor.

    The audiobook was created to give people a clear and concise map of how to dramatically improve their financial situation. People simply have to listen to the audiobook, apply the principles to their lives, put in the work, and watch their lives change. If you only listen to one book this year, and you want to improve your financial position in life, please give yourself a gift and listen to this one.

    ©2017 Barry Ellsworth (P)2017 Barry Ellsworth

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