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  • How I Lost 160lbs in 12 Months

  • The Amazing Baseline Weight Loss Program
  • De : Lee Johnson
  • Lu par : Nic Hamill
  • Durée : 39 min

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How I Lost 160lbs in 12 Months

De : Lee Johnson
Lu par : Nic Hamill
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    Congratulations on beginning your life changing journey! This is not a fad diet plan or a plan with empty promises. Your choice to follow this plan is at your own risk. This is my story–it worked for me, and it may also work for you! Results may vary.

    There are many reasons why you may wish to lose body fat. Among the top are to simply look better and improve your overall health. Losing weight should always be regarded as a long-term proposition. Quick weight loss plans can help you lose weight, but will not give you the longer term results you crave and deserve.

    Before I started this plan, I was so heavy that both of my hips needed replacing. The doctor told me he would not perform my hip replacement until I lost 100 pounds. The hip pain was so bad that I had no choice. Lap band surgery was too expensive for me. For you, surgery may be an option. We will discuss options and see if this is the plan for you.

    If you use this plan, you may lose over 160 pounds in 12 months. It has been tried and tested for over 20 years. I was 494 pounds, and in one year using this plan, I lost 160 pounds. In 20 months, without surgery, I lost 219 pounds. To date, I have lost a total of 272 pounds.

    The baseline program is my lifelong work in progress. Over and over and over, this book can be your life jacket. You are human, and I have created this tool to help keep you on track to your lifetime weight loss goals.

    ©2021 Lee A. Johnson (P)2023 Lee A. Johnson

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