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How I Cured My ADHD with Meditation

De : Todd Perelmuter
Lu par : Todd Perelmuter
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For both adults and kids, there is an epidemic going around. And no, I’m not talking about COVID. I’m talking about ADHD (attention deficit hyperactivity disorder). All across the world, we are losing the ability to focus and pay attention. From 1997 to 2016, schoolchildren diagnosed with ADHD went from three percent to over 10 percent, and it is still rising fast. From March 9th to March 30th of 2020, the proportion of teens diagnosed with ADHD rose 67 percent!

Fortunately, more people are getting help for ADHD. Unfortunately, the most common form of treatment is to prescribe powerful, highly addictive stimulants with potentially serious side effects and even death. ADHD medications are Schedule II drugs, in the same category as cocaine, crystal meth, and OxyContin. Worse yet, these drugs act as a crutch, robbing a person from developing their innate ability to pay attention and focus naturally. In this book, you’ll learn how meditation can help children and adults focus and concentrate, calm their body and mind, and live happier and more peaceful lives. Hopefully, after learning the techniques in this book, we can turn that attention deficit into an attention surplus.

©2021 Todd Perelmuter (P)2021 Todd Perelmuter
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