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  • How God Loves Us

  • 40 Days to Discovering His Character in the Fruit of the Spirit
  • De : Jessica Thompson
  • Lu par : Ann Kimberly
  • Durée : 3 h et 7 min

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How God Loves Us

De : Jessica Thompson
Lu par : Ann Kimberly
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    The fruit of the Spirit isn’t just something we display. It’s the way God loves us!

    Every Christian cherishes the famous passage in Galatians 5:22-23 that lists the fruit of the Spirit—love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control. These are the marks of godly character that we strive to display. But has it ever occurred to you that these are also the characteristics of God? Can it be that God loves us with the fruit of the Spirit? And only when we are secure in that love can we display it to others?

    Jessica Thompson wants to take you deeper into the love that your Heavenly Father has for you. Focusing on the majority of the fruit of the Spirit, she shows how God himself has these attributes and lavishes them on us. In 40 days designed for daily devotions, Jessica takes you across the whole arc of the Bible to reveal the character of the triune God. This journey will surely bless you. For the more you behold who he is and the nature of his love, the more you will, by the work of the Spirit, become like him.

    “My hope is that the readers will come away from this book more aware of what a magnificent God we serve. My hope is that the readers will remember their first love. My hope is that the readers will come back to this book again and again when they’re looking for a place of healing and hope.” (Jessica Thompson)

    ©2022 Jessica Thompson (P)2022 Jessica Thompson

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