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  • How Do You Get Over Someone?

  • A-to-Z on How to Get Over Lost Love, How to Get Over Someone You Loved, Getting Over Someone You Love, Getting Over a Crush, Get Over a Broken Heart
  • De : Priscilla Nicchi
  • Lu par : Teena Katz
  • Durée : 3 h et 1 min

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How Do You Get Over Someone?

De : Priscilla Nicchi
Lu par : Teena Katz
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    Are you finding it difficult to feel engaged and motivated after a breakup? 

    Are you struggling with self-doubt, uncertainty, frustration, and other intense emotions that feel like they’re out of control?

    If so, this is exactly the book you need to teach you how to get over lost love, let go of your grief, and start moving forward with your life.

    It is difficult to get over a broken heart, and it can be even more difficult if you had a complicated or toxic relationship prior to your breakup. Getting over a crush can be equally tricky. In any of these cases, you may struggle with common issues like an inability to reign in your emotions and frequent self-critical thoughts. These issues can undermine your ability to move on after a breakup and prevent you from recognizing all the experiences and accomplishments waiting for you throughout the rest of your life.

    In How Do You Get Over Someone?, you’ll find information and advice to help you move past a breakup and start the next chapter of your life, including:

    • How to better understand and accept your feelings after a breakup
    • How to get over someone you loved
    • What to expect from the relationship grieving process and how to manage these intense emotions
    • How to use the focus, control, and purpose (FCP) tripod method to feel more balanced in your life
    • Examples of how to navigate the fallout from a toxic relationship and rediscover yourself

    The sooner you begin the process of getting over someone you love after a breakup, the sooner you can begin a journey of self-discovery, recovery, and self-improvement.

    Don’t let your breakup consume another day of your life.

    ©2021 Priscilla Nicchi (P)2021 Priscilla Nicchi

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