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Couverture de How Do We Measure Weather?

How Do We Measure Weather?

De : Nancy Dickmann
Lu par : uncredited
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    How fast is the wind blowing? How much moisture is in the air? Meteorologists measure weather conditions to help answer these and other questions. Learn about the tools and systems they use. Find out how these measurements help people plan their days and prepare for any weather.

    ©2021 Nancy Dickmann (P)2024 Pebble
    • Version intégrale Livre audio
    • Catégories : Jeunesse


    Have you ever wondered what a weather balloon does? For the curious, “Discover Meteorology” introduces weather concepts to young readers. There are photographs of scientific implements that range from rain gauges to high-tech weather satellites. Additionally, there are computer-generated images that display the capabilities of weather software and a variety of scientific graphics. STEM vocabulary ranging from concepts in the water cycle to common news terms, such as polar vortex and jet streams, are defined in easy-to-understand language with helpful visuals. The star of this series is How Do We Prepare for Severe Weather?, as it breaks down key ideas related to emergency preparation from the necessity of a plan to the supplies in kits and actions related to drills. VERDICT With severe weather plans becoming increasingly part of school emergency preparedness, these titles address the hows and whys of weather, particularly extreme weather, and our responses to it. (Lisa Bosarge, Enoch Pratt Free Library, Baltimore, MD)

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