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Couverture de How Come That Idiot's Rich and I'm Not?

How Come That Idiot's Rich and I'm Not?

De : Robert Shemin
Lu par : Robert Shemin
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    In How Come That Idiot's Rich and I'm Not? best-selling author Robert Shemin reveals for the first time the inner-circle secrets of the mega-wealthy. Have you ever wondered why some people attract wealth while others stay financially trapped and in debt? The key is wealth-friendly, upside-down thinking. Stick with all the old moneymaking rules and stay broke. Break them and get rich. This is the audiobook that shows you how.

    Whether you've been trying to get rich but haven't quite made it yet, or just need the confidence to dream big, this is the book for you. As experienced as Shemin is at showing high-net-worth individuals how to get richer, his real love is helping self-described "financial disasters" earn millions. And he uses his own odds-defying story to illustrate the outside-the-box thinking that gets the job done.

    Here, you'll learn which three assets you must own to become a Rich Idiot and how to obtain them with little or no money of your own. You'll learn why Rich Idiots outearn almost all the so-called wealth experts and how you can, too. Above all, you'll learn how doing just one thing a day will bring you to your big goal.

    Robert Shemin shows us in a fun, witty way how going against the grain is, in fact, the surest way to gain. Spend just a few minutes with Robert and his Rich Idiot friends and you'll be convinced that "if they could do it, I can do it."

    ©2008 Robert Shemin (P)2008 Random House, Inc.

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