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Couverture de Housemates


De : Emma Copley Eisenberg
Lu par : Marin Ireland
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    NATIONAL BESTSELLER • Two young housemates embark on a road trip to discover themselves in this “exceptional, keenly observed meditation on art and love” (People) in a fractured America, by the award-winning author of The Third Rainbow Girl

    “Tender, introspective, and at times delightfully funny, this is the perfect book to bring on a road trip.”—Time (LGBTQ+ Books to Read for Pride)

    A Most Anticipated Book of 2024: Los Angeles Times, Harper’s Bazaar, Lit Hub, Debutiful, LGBTQ Reads, The Rumpus, Lilith, Hey Alma, Them, Kirkus Reviews

    What does it feel like, standing in the moments that will mark your life?

    When Bernie replies to Leah’s ad for a new housemate in Philadelphia, the two begin an intense and defiantly uncategorizable friendship based on a mutual belief in their art, and one another. Both aspire to capture the world around them: Leah through her writing; Bernie through her photography.

    After Bernie’s former photography professor, the renowned yet tarnished Daniel Dunn, dies and leaves her a complicated inheritance, Leah volunteers to accompany Bernie to his home in rural Pennsylvania, turning the jaunt into a road trip with an ambitious mission: to document America through words and photographs.

    What ensues is a journey into the heart of the nation, bringing the housemates into conversation with people from all walks of life—“the absurd dreamers and failures of this wide, wide country”—as they try to make sense of the times they are living in. Along the way, Leah and Bernie discover what it means to chase their own ideas and dreams, and to embrace what they are capable of both romantically and artistically.

    Warm and insightful, Housemates is a story of youth and freedom—a glorious celebration of queer life, and how art and love might save us all.

    ©2024 Emma Copley Eisenberg (P)2024 Random House Audio
    • Version intégrale Livre audio
    • Catégories : LGBT


    “A brilliant book about friendship, found family, and jawns. It’s an ode to our bonds told through exquisite character work that makes the world feel so lived in.”Debutiful, “Most Anticipated Debut Books of 2024”

    “A debut novel that’s part The Price of Salt and part Just Kids, in which two friends journey across America in pursuit of art and love.”—Electric Literature

    “Eisenberg’s fiction debut feels like a swim in a heated pool after a long journey.”Los Angeles Times, “10 Books to Add to Your Reading List in May”

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