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Couverture de House of Rougeaux

House of Rougeaux

De : Jenny Jaeckel
Lu par : Bahni Turpin
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    Following echoes between generations which defy normal time and space, a multilayered narrative celebrates the Rougeaux family triumphs while exposing the injustices of their trials. It begins with Iya, born in Africa in the 1700s, and brought to the Caribbean island of Martinique as a slave, and her two children, Adunbi and Abeje, who grow up on a sugar estate. 

    The siblings endure because of the kindness of fellow bondsmen and their uncommon abilities. A grandchild becomes emancipated in Quebec City, great-grandchildren find their way in Montreal, a great-great-grandchild runs off to Philadelphia, and another risks everything in New York City. 

    As each new member of the family takes the spotlight, a fresh piece of the puzzle is illuminated until at last, a homecoming uplifts them all. In skillful prose, award-winning author Jenny Jaeckel masterfully blends genres of coming-of-age, folklore, magical realism, and historical fiction with explorations of gender, race, and sexuality, creating a wondrous and harrowing tale of hope and healing.

    “Turpin’s cool, clear voice fluidly takes the listener from place to place, and her accent switches seamlessly…giving each character a distinct and authentic voice. Turpin’s multifaceted performance enhances this rich tapestry of a novel.” (Publishers Weekly

    "Perhaps the greatest achievement of the book is that in spite of the inescapable presence of slavery and prejudice, it isn’t really about either of these. Jenny Jaeckel’s House of Rougeaux is about people - varied and fully realized individuals who make a flawed world their own." (Foreword Reviews, five-star review) 

    "Turpin's facility with accents and characterizations gives listeners a sense of these shifting time periods and the continuity that comes from generations of treasured family stories.” (AudioFile)   

    “Turpin’s expressive reading grounds listeners in this richly detailed family saga, a tale replete with historical details, along with touches of mysticism and folklore.” —Joyce Saricks, Booklist

    ©2018 Jenny Jaeckel (P)2018 Blackstone Audio, Inc.


    “Turpin’s expressive reading grounds listeners in this richly detailed family saga, a tale replete with historical details, along with touches of mysticism and folklore.” (Joyce Saricks, Booklist)

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