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Couverture de House of Echoes

House of Echoes

De : Brendan Duffy
Lu par : Allyson Ryan, George Newbern
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    In this enthralling and atmospheric thriller, one young family's dream of a better life is about to become a nightmare.

    Ben and Caroline Tierney and their two young boys are hoping to start over. Ben has hit a dead end with his new novel, Caroline has lost her banking job, and eight-year-old Charlie is being bullied at his Manhattan school.

    When Ben inherits land in the village of Swannhaven, in a remote corner of upstate New York, the Tierneys believe it's just the break they need, and they leave behind all they know to restore a sprawling estate. But as Ben uncovers Swannhaven's chilling secrets and Charlie ventures deeper into the surrounding forest, strange things begin to happen. The Tierneys realize that their new home isn't the fresh start they needed... and that the village's haunting saga is far from over.

    House of Echoes is a novel that shows how sometimes the ties that bind us are the only things that can keep us whole.

    ©2015 Brendan Duffy (P)2015 Random House Audio


    "Brendan Duffy's House of Echoes is one of those wonderful stories that come along only once in a while, a beautifully nuanced and riveting family drama set within a terrifying landscape that has you turning pages long past bed time. But keep the light burning and read to the end. That's when you realize you've been in the hands of a very clever storyteller, and that what you thought you'd been reading was all along something else." (Carla Buckley, author of The Deepest Secret)

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