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Couverture de Hot Summer

Hot Summer

De : Elle Everhart
Lu par : Marisa Calin
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    Sparks fly when a young woman finds herself cast on a Love Island-inspired reality show and has to choose between her heart and her strategy in this sizzling new queer romantic comedy from the beloved author of Wanderlust.

    This summer, things are about to heat up.

    Cas Morgan has spent years of her life watching Hot Summer, the hit reality dating show that pairs together a bunch of sexy singles in an exotic island location. Like the rest of the TV-watching UK public, she’s captivated by the hot contestants, outrageous fights, and hilarious banter. But she never quite thought she’d be a part of it, until her company secures a partnership with the production team behind the show, and Cas is handpicked as a contestant. She won’t get any extra help making it through the eight weeks in the hot Cypriot sun, but if she does well and makes it to the finals, her long-awaited promotion will be secured.

    Cas is ready to spend the summer trying to make herself more likeable to win over the voting public—and, if not likeable, then at least iconic. But just as she steps into the villa, her entire plan goes off course. She’s instantly smitten with fellow contestant, Ada, who shockingly appears to be on the show to find a genuine relationship, one Cas can't give. Ada is gorgeous and charming, and seems to like Cas exactly as she is, sharp-edges and all. Cas isn't used to the side of herself Ada brings out, and when their connection becomes undeniable—and Cas's own standing in the villa precarious—she's torn between listening to her heart or sticking to her strategy.

    ©2024 Elle Everhart (P)2024 Penguin Audio
    • Version intégrale Livre audio
    • Catégories : Romance


    One of B&N Reads’ Summer Romances for Emily Henry Fans

    One of BookBub’s Best Books to Read If You Can’t Stop Watching Reality TV

    "Hot Summer is the perfect summer beach read, the perfect escape, and the perfect reality every romantic deserves—a book to make you believe in happily-ever-after. Cas and Ada’s chemistry sizzled and their love and tenderness could melt the hardest heart. If I hadn’t already been a hopeless romantic, Hot Summer would have made me one. Absolutely, hands down, one of the best romances I’ve read."—Karelia Stetz-Walters, author of Satisfaction Guaranteed

    “Everhart’s romance is made of reality TV dreams: juicy gossip, hot hookups, and drama, drama, drama. Cas and Ada are the fan-made stars of Hot Summer’s very own Hot Gay Summer, and their chemistry is both refreshing and steaming off the pages. With reality TV theatrics and a heartfelt queer romance, this is a can’t-miss book. Love Island meets its match in this steamy summer romance.”—Kirkus Reviews

    “[An] inclusive, pop-culture-forward romance…Everhart has a light touch with both plotting and prose, and her heroines’ bisexuality is refreshingly unsensationalized. Meanwhile, the supporting characters [feel] impressively real. This is one to throw in the beach bag.”—Publishers Weekly

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