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De : Tracy Stewart
Lu par : Millian Quinteros
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Horror Collection

Horror 1: The Door That Leads Nowhere

Sheriff Ken Waring knows firsthand all about the Farraday house, as do most of the townspeople. They want the place pulled down, and although this was looked into, legal precedent says it is not possible.

The Farradays were found within a room of that house slaughtered. Ken Waring still remembers the bodies, the odors, and the bloodstains. Since that day the house has become dilapidated, though it offers shelter for those seeking it. The catch - they may never live to tell the tale.

When Katy and David find the house on their voyage, it seems a temptingly good place to lay their heads for a couple of nights. What happens next is known only by those who were there and who experienced it firsthand. The Farraday house is a renowned haunted venue that has secrets all its own. Among those secrets is a facing up to fears that both Sheriff Ken Waring and Katy's mother have had to come to terms with. Can anyone escape?

Horror 2: Worst Fears Confronted

The Farraday house is a house that locals believe to be possessed by evil spirits following the mass slaughter that took place there in the past. Now empty and offering shelter to strangers in passing, the house stands by the side of the road between Leicester and Rangston. A passing Amish man asks Sheriff Ken Waring if there is somewhere he can stay for a couple of nights. Since he does not wish to stay in hotels or places of luxury, the Farraday residence seems to offer all this traveling man needs. However, does it?

Will the house become a danger to him? Local resident students, who have grown up with the notion that the Farraday house is evil, set out to prove that the story is nonsense. Will they achieve this? Will the exorcism performed by the local Catholic priest...?

©2015 Tracy Stewart (P)2015 Tracy Stewart
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