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Couverture de Hope Dealers

Hope Dealers

De : Nadine Blase Psareas
Lu par : Nadine Blase Psareas
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    Have you ever felt like life was finally going well, when suddenly life decides to throw you a curve ball?

    Life will knock you down when you least expect it.

    The important thing is not how or why we got knocked down, the important thing is how will we respond?

    In her early 40's, Nadine found herself to be a newly successful entrepreneur...and simultaneously...the mother of a heroin addict. This plunged her into an unexpected journey she could have never imagined. She used this situation to create an out-of- the-box therapeutic travel recovery project which later evolved into establishing a nonprofit serving those choosing to live a lifestyle of recovery. Later, in 2018, Nadine became the first recipient of the prestigious Rudy Ruettiger Award.

    In Hope Dealers: The Calling, the Struggles, the Breakthroughs and the Community of Believers, you will discover how Nadine found hope in the following areas:

    • Loved one struggling with addiction
    • Entrepreneurship and building a new business
    • Health struggles with ADD and Traumatic Brain Injury
    • Loss and grief struggles

    Don’t give up hope...this is your life!

    There’s only one direction that serves and that is forward.

    Surrounded by a community of believers, let’s make sure that we determine to find hope together.

    Not only will you discover hope in the midst of your own struggles, but you will also experience joy and breakthrough by using your own story to bring hope to others.

    Don’t wait! Listen to this audiobook today and discover how you can become a hope dealer too.

    ©2019 Nadine Blase Psareas (P)2019 Nadine Blase Psareas


    Hope Dealers is more than just another is a global movement of hope to those who've grown weary in the struggles of life. Nadine leads the charge offering you insight and inspiration to never give up.” (Rudy Ruettiger, inspiration behind the movie Rudy and motivational speaker)

    Hope Dealers connects with people going through many different struggles, yet all in the same powerful way. Nadine's commitment to personal growth and development over the years is evidenced through the different victories she shares. This book will help equip and empower you to never quit when obstacles enter your life. This is a perfect read for those needing an inspirational push and insight knowing that the only way through is through and that joy awaits on the other side.” (Jefferson Santos - Speaker, international trainer, and number one best-selling author of Higher Life Design)

    “True wealth and peace reside in a person’s story, telling it in a way that motivates and uplifts others to reach their highest potential. Nadine’s journey of hope and faith will challenge any reader to overcome the impossible and live life to its fullest. (Kim Ha Campbell - International best-selling author of Inner Peace Outer Abundance, real estate expansion expert, speaker)

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