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Couverture de Hope, Beauty and Friendship

Hope, Beauty and Friendship

De : John Angus Walker-Smith
Lu par : John Angus Walker-Smith
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    This selection of poems by a new author was triggered by the tragic death of his 28-year-old daughter. So the collection begins with loss and the aftermath of loss: the hope of the author that his daughter and he may be reunited in the life to come. This hope underlies many of the poems. This is clearly articulated in ‘Osler and Son’, where a father grieves for loss of his son in World War I but in a stoical, unexpressed manner.

    The author records his childhood experience of emotions being held back in ‘Boys Don’t Cry John’. While some poems look back, most are contemporary, such as those inspired by the lockdown and the Ukraine War.

    The author advocates expression of feelings. This is powerfully expressed in relation to his experience of Friendship, both past and present. Transcendental beauty is a theme in the metaphysical poems ‘The Colour Blue’ and ‘Roman Glass’.

    However, each poem is unique. Many of them speak from the heart and have an emotional impact. The author hopes that these will resonate with readers.

    ©2023 Austin Macauley Publishers Ltd (P)2024 Austin Macauley Publishers Ltd

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