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  • Hope After Stroke for Caregivers and Survivors

  • The Holistic Guide to Getting Your Life Back
  • De : Tsgoyna Tanzman
  • Lu par : Tsgoyna Tanzman
  • Durée : 9 h et 16 min

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Hope After Stroke for Caregivers and Survivors

De : Tsgoyna Tanzman
Lu par : Tsgoyna Tanzman
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    Listeners are calling Hope After Stroke, "The Stroke Bible" a must-have book that should be in every hospital and rehab facility for stroke survivors and their cargivers.

    Hope After Stroke is like having a personal therapist at your side, simplifying the medical jargon, answering your questions, guiding and empowering you each step of the way. You’ll discover practical tools and strategies you can use in the hospital, when you come home, and upon re-entering your community and workplace. This easy-to-follow, evidence-based resource guide puts all the most important information in one place. It will help you understand what to expect, what to look out for, and what "stroke thrivers" do to recover. Written in conversational language, you'll discover how to:

    • Find the best rehabilitative services and effectively communicate with insurance providers, doctors and therapists to maximize recovery.
    • Implement simple routines to prevent caregiver burnout.
    • Communicate more easily and effectively even when aphasia is present.
    • Improve sleep and reduce or eliminate anxiety without the use of medication.
    • Ask candid questions about sex and seek resources for sexual issues post stroke.
    • Get answers about disability, driving and returning to work.
    • Reduce your risk of a recurrent stroke and much, much more!

    If you want to feel hopeful, knowledgeable, and empowered in the process of recovery then buy Hope After Stroke for Caregivers and Survivors: The Holistic Guide to Getting Your Life Back. Scroll to the top and click the “Buy Now” button.

    ©2018 Tsgoyna Tanzman (P)2019 Tsgoyna Tanzman

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