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Couverture de Ho'oponopono


De : Ulrich E. Duprée
Lu par : Aura Paige
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    • Includes new practical exercises and contemplations to help you immediately create positive changes in your everyday life

    • Explores the process of practical forgiveness and how to use Ho‘oponopono to transform personal problems, resolve relationship conflicts, and heal the past

    • Looks at how to use Ho‘oponopono on a collective level to bring peace to the world

    Ho‘oponopono is the ancient Hawaiian method for transforming personal problems, resolving interpersonal conflicts, and healing the past through the power of forgiveness. At the core of Ho‘oponopono are four magical sentences: I am sorry, Please forgive me, I love you, Thank you. A deceptively simple yet enormously effective practice, Ho‘oponopono is centered on the concept that we are all deeply connected and that small acts of forgiveness and reconciliation can ripple outward to help and heal others.

    Newly revised and expanded, this bestselling guide offers practical exercises and Ho‘oponopono contemplations to help you immediately create positive changes in your everyday life. The author explains how Ho‘oponopono means “restoring the divine order.” Whether it is your relationship with your partner, your children or parents, your health, Mother Earth, your business, job, or financial situation, Ho‘oponopono can help you set straight anything veering off course through understanding and self-forgiveness. The author explores the process of focusing on difficult conflicts within personal relationships, whether in the present or the past, and shows how, by addressing these issues, owning one’s feelings, and accepting unconditional love, unhealthy situations transform into positive outcomes and growth. He also looks at how to use Ho‘oponopono on a collective level to bring peace to the world.

    Presenting a step-by-step introduction to the ancient ritual of Ho‘oponopono, this book shows how practical forgiveness work can help bring healing to self, family, and community as well as support all of humanity to become more connected and loving again.

    ©2012, 2014, 2023 Earthdancer GmbH. English translation © 2023 JMS books LLP. All Rights Reserved. (P)2023 Inner Traditions Audio. All Rights Reserved.

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