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Couverture de Honey, I Homeschooled the Kids

Honey, I Homeschooled the Kids

De : Nadia Sawalha, Mark Adderley
Lu par : Nicky Diss, Thomas Judd
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    A personal and practical guide to homeschooling by Loose Women's Nadia Sawalha and her husband, Mark Adderley.

    TV presenter Nadia and her husband, Mark, took their two children out of mainstream school five years ago. Since then they have homeschooled them. At a time when so many of us are being forced to rethink our roles as parents and teachers, Mark and Nadia bring their experiences - the good and the bad - and offer a candid and practical guide to teaching at home.

    Statistics show that the number of homeschooled children in the UK has increased by 40 percent over the last three years, and the rate is steadily increasing. With humour and frankness, Nadia and Mark share the challenges and rewards of their home school experiences and ask what 'success' really means when it comes to our children's education.

    Bringing their energy, enthusiasm and openness to what is becoming an ever more relevant aspect of our lives, Honey, I Home Schooled the Kids will share obstacles, insights and resources that all parents can learn from, whether they're looking for help supporting their child at school or if they have decided to take the plunge and home school.

    This book is an honest and no-holds-barred guide for anyone interested in embarking on the homeschooling journey.

    ©2020 Nadia Sawalha and Mark Adderley (P)2020 Hodder & Stoughton Limited

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