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De : Matt de la Peña
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    From Newbery Medal-winning author Matt de la Peña and bestselling illustrator Loren Long, the powerhouse duo behind the #1 New York Times bestseller Love, comes a moving meditation on the places we feel most comfortable, loved, and protected—wherever that might be.

    Home is a tired lullaby
    and a late-night traffic that mumbles in
    through a crack in your curtains.

    Home is the faint trumpet of a distant barge
    as your grandfather casts his line
    from the edge of his houseboat.

    With lyrical text and expressive artwork, Matt de la Peña and Loren Long celebrate the beauty and love found in every home, no matter its size. They show how a home is more than just a place . . . People can be a kind of home—a family and a community that cares for one another. And the natural world is another kind of home, a refuge we share with every living thing on Earth.

    This deeply moving ode to the universal pull of home, whatever its form, is destined to become a new classic that will be cherished by listeners of every age.

    ©2025 Matt de la Peña (P)2025 Listening Library
    • Version intégrale Livre audio
    • Catégories : Jeunesse

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