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De : John MacKay
Lu par : John MacKay
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Built for the new age, the house stood boldly upright on the edge of the ocean, withstanding the harsh blasts of a cruel century, nurturing and protecting the family within, watchful of hearts swollen or broken, dreams delivered and dashed. It had absorbed the tears and echoed the laughter.

A sweeping saga of one family through a momentous century. Different people, divergent lives, and distinctive stories bound together by the place they called home. But one of them is missing, lost to the world. An unknown grandchild, born to a son who went to war and never came back. As the years pass, through wars and emigration, social transformation and generational change, the search continues. And the questions remain the same: Who is he? Where is he? Will he ever come home?

©2021 John MacKay (P)2022 John MacKay
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