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  • Home Is Right Where You Are

  • Inspired by Psalm 23
  • De : Ruth Chou Simons
  • Durée : 5 min

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Home Is Right Where You Are

De : Ruth Chou Simons
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    Bestselling author and artist Ruth Chou Simons shares a message of comfort and peace inspired by Psalm 23: when you are with God, home is always right where you are.

    Ruth shares from her heart the words she's spoken over her own six children, from their very young days into adulthood. Ruth's lyrical text and whimsical art take children and families on a journey that reminds all of us that no matter where we go, no matter what comes our way in life, the Lord keeps us close to Him.

    This book is perfect for parents and families who want to:

    • Reassure their children with the comforting truth that God is always with them, that He will guide them, and that He will provide for all their needs.
    • Teach their children that God is the source of joy, overflowing blessings, and wonderful adventure.
    • Be delighted with captivating illustrations and beautiful art.
    • Soothe anxious minds with the comfort of God's provision and presence.

    Home Is Right Where You Are makes a perfect gift for:

    • Baby showers, new mothers, births, or adoptions.
    • Graduations, milestones, and other big life events.
    • Christmas, birthdays, Easter, and other gift-giving occasions.

    Home Is Right Where You Are is bestselling author and artist Ruth Chou Simons' first children's book—a beautiful treasure of God's promises combined with her moving art.

    ©2024 Ruth Chou Simons (P)2024 Tommy Nelson
    • Version intégrale Livre audio
    • Catégories : Jeunesse

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