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Hollow and Inner Earth Stories and Facts

De : Martin K. Ettington
Lu par : Martin K. Ettington
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This book is about legends of the Hollow Earth and other underground cities and civilizations which might all be related.

The concept of the existence of a hollow Earth, or inner area of the Earth where people have lived and do still exist, has been around for hundreds of years.

Other stories and legends of underground cities are also discussed, to show that there are many stories of people and other beings living underground in our past and maybe up until the present era.

Usually there is some factual basis to legends, so all these stories make we wonder if there is some reality about civilizations existing underground on this Earth. These legends are geographically diverse and from different cultures, so maybe there is something to them.

Near the end of the book, I include some incredible scientific data about life actually existing miles under our Earth, and an example of a real underground city we know about and have visited.

©2022 Martin K. Ettington (P)2022 Martin K. Ettington
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