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Couverture de Holiday High

Holiday High

De : James Arthur
Lu par : Courtney Feiman
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    At Holiday High, being a holiday isn't just a date on the calendar—it's a destiny.

    Starting a new school is never easy, but for Arbor Day, it's a test of tradition and tenacity. Welcome to Holiday High, an exclusive institution for the offspring of America's most celebrated days—from the dazzling fireworks of Fourth of July to the warmth of Thanksgiving gatherings.

    However, Arbor's entrance into this whimsical world isn't without challenges. Belonging to a less-prominent holiday, she faces the threat of being relegated to the forgotten pages of history. With the formidable Holiday Council dictating the school's rhythm, Arbor finds herself in a race against time to prove her holiday's worth and save her family's cherished legacy.

    Complicating matters, she butts heads with the passionate Valentine, whose sole mission appears to be making Arbor's time at school a living nightmare. And then there's Vice Principal Frost, whose cold demeanor hints at an agenda of his own.

    In a school where traditions are more than just events and dates, Arbor must navigate friendships, rivalries, and the weight of legacy. With every challenge she faces, she's reminded of what's at stake.

    Will Arbor rise above the challenges and ensure that her holiday remains celebrated for generations? Or will she be just another calendar date, lost to the sands of time? Dive into this enchanting tale of courage, conflict, and celebrations.

    Join Arbor in this captivating middle-grade/young adult fantasy novel, where holidays come to life in ways you've never imagined before!

    ©2023 Jimmy Mustion (P)2024 Jimmy Mustion

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