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Couverture de Holiday Bridal Wave

Holiday Bridal Wave

De : Christy Anderson, Gwyn McNamee
Lu par : Lori Gardner, Gregory Abbey
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    Wanted: one bride for marriage to billionaire heir at New Year’s Eve wedding. Submit resume and photo to


    All I want is to be CEO at Warren Enterprises Worldwide, but the newly revised Warren Trust makes it clear …

    I won’t inherit the company or the family fortune unless I’m hitched before the first of the year.

    Too bad I don’t have a girlfriend or fiancée.

    What I do have is charm, dashing good looks, a prestigious lineage, an email address, and a faithful assistant willing to help me sort through all the applicants.

    But the longer we spend weeding out the duds, the more I appreciate the woman in front of me.

    Too bad Blaire doesn’t fit the requirements for a Warren bride.

    And one way or another, this New Year’s Eve, I’ll be kissing my wife at the stroke of midnight.


    Helping my hot boss find a bride isn’t really part of my job description.

    It’s busy enough around the office during the holidays without having to comb through applications from vapid bimbos who only want the Warren money.

    But Archie needs my help, and I’m hopeless to deny him when he flashes me that panty-melting grin and sings my praises.

    He says I’m invaluable.

    As an employee … or more?

    Because with every moment we spend together planning his loveless New Year’s Eve wedding, my heart inches closer to falling in love with him.

    Holiday miracles are the things of fairy tales, but this New Year’s Eve, one might be found in the place they least expect it.

    ©2020 Gwyn McNamee and Christy Anderson (P)2024 Recorded Books

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