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Couverture de Hocus and Pocus and the Spell for Home

Hocus and Pocus and the Spell for Home

De : A.R. Capetta, Charlene Chua
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    From award-winning author A. R. Capetta comes a new first-chapter-book series delivering plenty of puppies, magic, and charm.

    Puppies Hocus and Pocus are still waiting to be adopted from the Shelter for Slightly Magical Pets. Even though Hocus can see two minutes into the future and Pocus can turn bad feelings into bubbles (which he eats!), nobody seems to want them. This could be because the two keep causing mischief so they won’t be separated. When Jinx the witch uses a “spell for home” potion to help a color-changing tortoise find his match, the puppies know what to do: sneak both their hairs into the mixture to ensure they get adopted together. But with these two, anything can happen—from a shrinking spell to giant bees! Can the puppies, along with Jinx and her young apprentices—witch Archer (he/him), wizard Ofelia (she/her), and warlock Tam (they/them)—fix the magical mess? And will they finally find a home, maybe even right under their noses? This adorable new series takes listeners to a vibrant world full of magic, community, surprises, and welcoming homes.

    ©2024 A.R. Capetta (P)2025 Listening Library

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