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  • Hits, Heathens, and Hippos

  • Stories from an Agent, Activist, and Adventurer
  • De : Marty Essen
  • Lu par : Brian Marchand
  • Durée : 8 h et 53 min

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Hits, Heathens, and Hippos

De : Marty Essen
Lu par : Brian Marchand
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    Everyone has dreams of what they want to accomplish in life. Marty Essen’s childhood dream of becoming a herpetologist gave way to his dream of becoming a popular DJ, which led to his dream of becoming a big-time talent manager, which morphed into the dream of becoming an in-demand author and college speaker. While he achieved most of his dreams at various levels, he also realized that he didn’t necessarily have to reach the top to find success or happiness. Sometimes, “almost” is close enough.

    Hits, Heathens, and Hippos: Stories from an Agent, Activist, and Adventurer is a humorous and inspirational memoir that explores relationships and careers and how seemingly minor events can lead to life-changing results. Compelling stories have filled Marty’s life, and he tells those stories in a conversational style that combines his talents as an award-winning author with his talents as the creator of a one-man stage show that he has performed at hundreds of colleges across the United States.

    This is a must-listen for anyone faced with an unexpected career change, worried about finding and keeping the partner of their dreams, forced to take on bullies (whether individual, political, or corporate), eager for ideas to make life more satisfying, or just in search of a fun-filled adventure.

    Be inspired, intrigued, and entertained!

    Recommended for open-minded listeners, who are not offended by liberal concepts and ideas.

    ©2021 Marty Essen (P)2021 Marty Essen


    Hits, Heathens, and Hippos proves life is mostly luck and a little timing with many laughs along the way. Marty Essen has demonstrated that life is what you do while you decide what you are going to be when you grow up. This is a great book about a life of ventures, friends and a few lessons about winning and losing.” (Governor Brian Schweitzer, Democrat, Montana 2005-2013) 

    “What I like about this book is the personal style Essen writes with. You really get a sense of his personality, sense of humor, and the way he thinks. It’s a fun, clever way of discussing the world of work and relationships, more memoir than self-help, yet the advice is there, dramatized. His talent for storytelling gives you the feeling you’re in an audience, listening to him. You'll find yourself amused, shocked, and touched. One of the best stories is about the hippo attack, but you’ll have to read the book to get the details. For an entertaining read that would make a great movie or documentary, pick up your copy of Hits, Heathens, and Hippos: Stories from an Agent, Activist, and Adventurer by Marty Essen.” (Tammy Ruggles for Readers’ Favorite Book Reviews)

    "A thoroughly absorbing and inherently fascinating account of a most unusual life lived out in a series of equally unusual circumstances." (Midwest Book Review)  

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