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Couverture de His Secret Highland Bride

His Secret Highland Bride

De : Allison B. Hanson
Lu par : Isla Ross
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    A must-listen tale of warring clans, a braw Highlander, and a secret none of them saw coming.

    It's been five years since Shane MacPherson stepped foot on his clan's lands. Still haunted from years at war and the painful ache of loss, duty has called once again . . . and with it, his obligation to claim his place as the new laird of Clan MacPherson. But when Shane encounters a lass—a Valkyrie in both temperament and foul tongue!—in trouble, he puts title and duty aside to defend her . . .

    Lindsay Wallace would rather die than call the MacPherson lands her home—let alone their horrid clan. She just has to survive a month with her vile uncle before being married off as a peace offering between the Wallaces and MacPhersons. The only person she can trust is a simple soldier who is strong of body and heart. She has no interest in marrying her betrothed . . . so why not give in to the temptation of a soldier's kiss?

    But promises made can't be broken or forgotten. And as shadows and war rise once again in the Highlands, Shane and Lindsay must find the courage to face their deepest secrets and their duty . . . before both love and clan are ripped apart.

    Contains mature themes.

    ©2024 Allison B. Hanson (P)2024 Tantor

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