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Couverture de His Fiery Angel

His Fiery Angel

De : Cynthia Wright
Lu par : Timothy Campbell
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    Travel back in time to windswept Cornwall for an enemies-to-lovers romance you’ll savor!

    Proudly going her own way

    Camille St. Briac cares nothing for her own natural beauty, nor is she interested in the London ton. Instead, she bravely fights to save innocent birds from feather thieves who would kill them to decorate fashionable women’s hats.

    Escaping from his past

    Brooding, rakish ornithologist Benedict Hawke travels the world in search of new species of birds... and the farther that takes him from England and his unforgivable father, the better.

    But Pa’s sudden illness forces Benedict to abandon a dream expedition and return to Cornwall. When feather hunters invade the cliffs near his cottage, Benedict clashes with Camille, a fiery crusader for the beleaguered gulls called kittiwakes. Although she mistakenly believes he is one of the villains, neither can deny their combustible, mutual attraction... and the harder they struggle against it, the hotter it flares!

    Rakes & Rebels: The St. Briac Family:1 - HIS MAKE-BELIEVE BRIDE (Justin & Mouette)2 – HER IMPOSSIBLE HUSBAND (Justin & Mouette)3 – HER SECRET ROGUE (Anthony & Frederica)4 – HIS FIERY ANGEL (Camille & Benedict) Rakes & Rebels: The St. Briac Family intertwines with the other Rakes & Rebels series!

    ©2024 Cynthia Challed (P)2024 Cynthia Challed

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