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Couverture de Hired


De : George C. Murray
Lu par : Chris Smart
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    If you or someone you know is struggling with the daunting process of finding a new position, as well as learning what to do—and not to do—in order to meet people, network, and make connections who can help you learn about job openings in your field, Hired! is for you. The author experienced two job losses (both beyond his control) in three years, and what he learned to get the first new job cut his search time in half for the next time. He provides many clear and easy-to-implement ideas that make you stand apart from other candidates, and more importantly, stand above them in the valuable information you should provide to show companies why they should hire you. 

    ©2020 George C. Murray (P)2022 George C. Murray


    "George shares the lessons he learned during two job transitions as a template to help other job seekers land their next position faster. His idea-filled book provides strategies he used to improve himself, bring discipline to the job of finding a job, and to crisply articulate and exude his personal brand. Give yourself a healthy dose of job search motivation: read this book." (Carol Kaemmerer, author of LinkedIn for the Savvy Executive: Promote Your Brand with Authenticity, Tact and Power)

    “This inspirational and practical book from the perspective of an operations leader and master connector will help you get organized and develop a strategy for a successful job search. Embrace George’s tools and tips and see how you can more quickly get traction and land a job that fills your soul.” (Anne Pryor, speaker and top LinkedIn expert, strategist and trainer)

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