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  • Hire

  • The Complete Hiring Process for Real Estate Agents
  • De : Brian Icenhower
  • Lu par : Ed Nash
  • Durée : 5 h et 29 min

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De : Brian Icenhower
Lu par : Ed Nash
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    Hire the right person for the job, and they will make you money, ease your life, and eliminate the need to rehire another person for the same job. Hire the wrong person, and they will not only cost you time, money, and well-being, but you will have to go through the hiring process time and again until you get the right person in place. Even then, they might not stay long enough to make your efforts worthwhile. No busy professional can afford that sort of loss of time, resources, and money. So, how do you hire the right person? This book answers that question.

    In nine simple but vital steps, this book talks you through the optimal hiring process so that you can get the right person hired the first time around. The whole hiring process is designed for busy professionals who don’t have a lot of time to invest in hiring but still need to make a smart and selective hire. Our strategy includes generating hundreds of applicants and quickly whittling them down, through carefully designed eliminative criteria, until you get to the golden needle in the haystack that you’re looking for.

    Your time is primarily spent on the most talented final candidates generated by this funneled hiring process and never wasted on unqualified applicants. Whether you’re hiring administrative staff or commission-based sales agents, we talk you through every step carefully and completely and make the entire process very simple and accessible.

    Brian Icenhower is the author of several business performance training books and is the CEO and founder of Icenhower Coaching & Consulting (ICC). ICC has established its elite status by consulting many of the real estate industry’s top performing companies and organizations. The principles contained in this book are ingrained in every member of the ICC coaching staff and implemented with their clients. Now, Hire can serve as your organization’s hiring operations manual to allow you to make smart and strategic hires in the future. Visit

    ©2018 Brain Icenhower (P)2018 Brain Icenhower

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