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Couverture de Hints to Young Students of Occultism

Hints to Young Students of Occultism

De : L.W. Rogers
Lu par : Graham Dunlop
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    "HINTS TO YOUNG STUDENTS OF OCCULTISM" is the title the editor of the American Theosophist, Louis William Rogers, has chosen for his first book on theosophy. The preface gives an idea of the purpose of the work:

    "The growing interest in the higher life, and the general search for information that is helpful in attaining it, is sufficient reason for the publication of this little book. The purpose has not been to write of the subject in hand either exhaustively or systematically but to put forward helpful suggestions for taking some easy steps in self-development."

    Many who earnestly desire to escape from the bondage of the lower nature and rise to spiritual illumination are at a loss how to proceed, or even how to practically apply to daily life the occult information they may have gained by general reading. This little volume is an effort to assist them-hints on how to utilize time and energy-a few guide-boards in the evolutionary wilderness at doubtful turns in the road, indicating the advantageous way to go and displaying warning signs across some attractive by-ways that lead to perilous places.

    The basis of the work is a series of articles that appeared last year in this magazine, and which have been revised, rearranged and extended. Among the subjects discussed in the twelve chapters are Self Examination, Original Thinking, Persistent Effort, Thought Assimilation an Essential to Soul Growth, Safe and Dangerous Mental Conditions, The One Protection Against Danger, The Conditions of Spiritual Progress, Conquering Delusions, Faults to be Guarded Against, The Right Road and the Wrong One.

    ©2012 Jazzybee Verlag (P)2022 Adultbrain Publishing

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