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  • Hindsight

  • The 7 Keys to Living Your Best Life
  • De : Earl Waud
  • Lu par : Ric Chetter
  • Durée : 4 h et 22 min

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Couverture de Hindsight


De : Earl Waud
Lu par : Ric Chetter
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    We've all heard that hindsight is 20/20. I've unlocked the secrets, and there are seven keys.

    By going back in a step-by-step fashion with my Hindsight principles, you can positively affect your future.

    Through this book, you can learn from someone who has been there, who has rediscovered the secrets learned from the past, and seeks to share that knowledge with you.

    What this book entails…

    Hindsight: The 7 Keys to Living Your Best Life is written through the eyes of the author as he relives some of the memories that taught him to grow a mindset of strength, determination, and gratefulness.

    Through seven key hindsights, you will be able to cultivate a strong mindset of your own. These lessons are shared with you to give you the knowledge and steps to achieve that goal you’ve always wanted and to give you direction on what to do next.

    Learn to apply the seven hindsights to your life: gratitude, responsibility, belief, decision, action, learning, sharing.

    If you are at a crossroads in your life, confused about where to go or how to reach your next goal, this book is for you.

    This book is the sign you’ve looking for. Grab your copy, get to listening, and face your challenges head-on with success.

    ©2022 Earl Waud (P)2022 Earl Waud

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