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Couverture de Him & Her

Him & Her

De : Shelby Mitchell
Lu par : Johanna Fairview
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    Sometimes losing is the best thing that can happen to a guy. When a hot, sexy gamer geek obsessed with winning meets his match in a sassy, take-no-crap "cook", sparks fly and a game served spicy begins.

    Micah James is tall, excessively handsome, a brilliant success as a top video game programmer, and a jerk of the first order. Used to flashing a smile and a wink to get whatever he wants, Micah knows what he wants right now and it's for the local supermarket deli 'cook' to be his personal chef. What he's not ready for is the battle of wills he'll soon engage in when he meets his match in Nori Blackmon.

    Nori Blackmon is sassy, curvy, and determined to make a success of her life - not matter the cost or sacrifice. She has little time for the spoiled, good-looking frat boy demanding she drop everything to come work for him as his personal chef. His arrogance knows no bounds, and his inability to take "no" for an answer rubs her the absolute wrong way.

    When their worlds collide, neither is ready for the perfect and powerful chemistry that exists between them or that a love like this can form between two people with such different lives and dreams.

    Him & Her is a contemporary love story between a man and woman moving in different directions until fate intervenes to offer them a new one - with each other.

    ©2015 Michelle Spiva for Wise Mind Media (P)2015 Michells Spiva for Wise Mind Media

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