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Couverture de Hilda and the Time Worm

Hilda and the Time Worm

De : Stephen Davies, Luke Pearson
Lu par : Carlyss Peer, Bella Ramsey, Arthur Smith Galiano, Ameerah Falzon-Ojo, Sanchia McCormack, Rasmus Hardiker, Wes Venn
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    Meet Hilda: explorer, adventurer, avid sketchbook-keeper, friend to almost every creature in the valley, and star of her very own Netflix show.

    At the start of her fourth audiobook, our blue-haired heroine is selling soup with her Sparrow Scout friends at the Winter Festival fayre. Soon, however, she's tackling mischievous Yule Lads, battling mechanical bell-ringers, taking on a hungry ogre, and trying to reunite a couple across the decades.

    Join Hilda as she travels through time in an immersive multi-voice 3D audio adventure.

    Narrated by Carlyss Peer


    Bella Ramsey as Hilda

    Arthur Smith Galiano as David

    Ameerah Falzon-Ojo as Frida

    Sanchia McCormack as Hilda’s mum

    Rasmus Hardiker as Alfur and Tontu

    Also featuring

    Wes Venn as Twig, Pointy, Tall, The Choir, Computer and Waiter

    Edward Molony as Trevor and Madame Lindgren’s Son

    Lucy Montgomery as Kelly, Gerda Gustav and Matilda

    Rachel Atkins as Anders and Miss Hallgrim

    John Hopkins as Erik Ahlberg, Bartell Bragga and Edmund Ahlberg

    Bella Hale, Niamh Stanford and Patch Dillon as the Children of Trollberg

    Bella Hale as Young Raven Leader

    Rob Rackstraw as Portly, The Bell-Keeper and Gluggagaegir

    Simon Greenall as Kert, Mr Ostenfeld and Young Mr Ostenfeld

    Kaisa Hammarlund as Madame Lindgren

    Tobie Pettitt as Gryla

    ©2020 Flying Eye Books (P)2022 Audible, Ltd
    • Série : Hilda, Volume 4
    • Version intégrale Livre audio
    • Catégories : Jeunesse

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