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Couverture de Higher and Higher

Higher and Higher

De : Leonard Wayne
Lu par : Dave Hawthorne
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    The Life Story of Leonard Wayne 

    If a fictional character were given the life history of Leonard Wayne, few listeners would readily accept him as believable: martial arts instructor, Teamsters enforcer, drug smuggler, truck driver, photographer, pilot, Hollywood stuntman, entrepreneur, and stockbroker. Yet Leonard claims all of these titles, in addition to ex-con. 

    Now, for the first time, Leonard Wayne transparently shares the larger than life details of his journey from an abusive childhood to the triumph of faith and perseverance, a hope-inspiring story of redemption and restoration.

    My story is unique. I have covered enough illegal and immoral ground for several lifetimes. Abuse throughout my childhood peaked when my own father murdered my mother and then shot himself. My uncles taught me how to fight and to steal. I was an enforcer for the Teamsters, a drug smuggler, a pilot, a Hollywood stunt man, a stock broker, and a millionaire long before I could be considered a mature adult. I also became an alcoholic and a federal inmate. 

    In retrospect, I believe what makes my life different is the intensity, not the substance of my journey. God is trying to speak to every person in a variety of ways. Most, like me for so many years, resist listening. If my life demonstrates anything, it is that he keeps trying, and anyone can start listening any time he’s had enough of the frustration of searching for something he can’t find.

    I am the special one chosen by the Messiah. But that isn’t the unique part of my story. In God’s eyes, every human being is a special one, chosen for greatness. The question is whether or not you will respond to God’s choice.

    ©2012 Leonard Wayne (P)2020 Leonard Wayne

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