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  • Higher Etiquette

  • A Guide to the World of Cannabis, from Dispensaries to Dinner Parties
  • De : Lizzie Post
  • Lu par : Lizzie Post
  • Durée : 4 h et 32 min

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Higher Etiquette

De : Lizzie Post
Lu par : Lizzie Post
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    Emily Post has gone to pot.

    As we enter the dawn of a new "post-prohibition" era, the stigma surrounding cannabis use is fading, and the conversation about what it means to get high is changing. When it comes to being a respectful, thoughtful, and responsible consumer of pot, there is a lot you need to know. In Higher Etiquette, Lizzie Post - great-great granddaughter of Emily Post and co-president of America's most respected etiquette brand - explores and celebrates the wide world of legalized weed.

    Combining cannabis culture's long-established norms with the Emily Post Institute's tried-and-true principles, this book covers the social issues surrounding pot today, such as:

    • How to bring it to a dinner party or give it as a gift
    • Why eating it is different from inhaling it
    • How to respectfully use it as a guest
    • Why different strains affect you in different ways
    • How to be behave at a dispensary
    • How to tackle pot faux pas such as "canoed" joints and "lawn-mowed" bowls

    This handy guide also provides a primer on the diverse array of cannabis products and methods of use, illuminating the many convenient and accessible options available to everyone from experienced users to newbies and the canna-curious. Informative and charming, this buzzworthy book will make the ultimate lit addition to your audio stash.

    ©2019 Lizzie Post (P)2019 Random House Audio


    “Helpful and inquisitive.... This is a friendly book, the one to give to your cousin who is about to visit her first dispensary...or your aunt who wants to learn about CBD oil.... If this book’s prose had a tail, it would always be wagging.” (The New York Times)

    "Those new to the cannabis scene, or those curious about it, would do well to check out Post’s work, directed as it is to a more enjoyable and stress-free experience for all involved." (Publishers Weekly)

    Higher Etiquette is incredibly detailed and well thought-out in its description of cannabis social mores and practices, lending the proper credence to a subject that has for too long been hidden or simply thought of as a joke. Cannabis is every bit as important to society as wine or beer and even more complex in terms of its interaction with society and etiquette.” (Ry Prichard, cannabis specialist and co-host of Bong Appétit)

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