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Couverture de High Wire

High Wire

De : Kam Majd
Lu par : Joanna Teljeur
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    Captain Kate Gallagher has a plane to land and a daughter to get home to. But first, she's got to contend with a confrontational co-pilot, blizzard conditions, and something far more treacherous-a plane contaminated with a lethal computer virus. When the controls refuse to respond to her commands, she has two choices: Turn the plane around or trust her instinct.

    One day later, the world's press is picking through the mangled remains of Flight 394 and crying pilot error. To clear her name, Kate must endure humiliation and blame, and the risk to herself and her family, until she comes face to face with the madman who created the virus. There, she uncovers a shocking conspiracy that has already zeroed in on a new target: another plane, another deadly disaster.

    With only seconds to save the 262 passengers on board, Kate Gallagher will fight her way back into the pilot's seat and up into the air, in a life-and-death race against time, and a computer virus that is wired, running, and ready to kill again. And the price for saving all those lives may be only one...hers.

    ©2023, 2024 Kam Majd (P)2024 Kam Majd


    "Satisfying and credibly suspenseful." (School Library Journal)

    "A thrilling ride all the way from the brilliant set-up to the gripping payoff." (Patrick Massett Friday Night Lights, The Blacklist)

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