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Couverture de High John the Conqueror: A Novel

High John the Conqueror: A Novel

De : Tariq Goddard
Lu par : Tariq Goddard
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    When children start going missing in a rural town, the investigation takes twists and turns into the strange world of privilege and the realm of the occult.

    "I always wanted to be a writer, but I became a policeman instead."

    Wessex, 2016. Teenagers are vanishing off the council estates of a small provincial city. A crop of herbs that are said to posses magical powers which only grow once every 50 years are found in the woods. A supernatural creature believed to be the guardian of the herbs is seen in nightmares. Rumors of orgiastic rituals on the estates of the rich and powerful excite the curious. And the queen of England decides to celebrate her 90th birthday with a visit to the city’s famous cathedral spire.

    Into this madness, two ambitious detectives, one with doomed literary ambitions, seek to solve the mystery, their only lead that “posh people are taking our children”.

    Blending mysticism, class war, societal malfeasance, and transcendence, High John the Conqueror identifies the point in our recent history when the ghosts of our past become the political monsters of the present.

    ©2022 Tariq Goddard (P)2022 Watkins Publishing

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