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  • High Impact Teams

  • Where Healthy Meets High Performance
  • De : Lance Witt
  • Lu par : Scott Pollak
  • Durée : 9 h et 6 min

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High Impact Teams

De : Lance Witt
Lu par : Scott Pollak
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    No matter how big an organization, we all do ministry with a team, whether paid or volunteer. Anyone who has been part of a great team knows it's something special. When there is good chemistry, everyone is operating from his or her sweet spot, the objectives are clear, and kingdom progress is being made, it is incredibly fulfilling and fun.  

    On the flip side, we're painfully aware what happens when there is dysfunction in the team - stress, tension, politics, and posturing. It's not much fun for anyone, and we end up squandering our divine assignment.  

    Lance Witt, founder of Replenish ministries and a former executive and teaching pastor at Saddleback Church, knows what it takes to keep teams functioning at the highest level of impact. He shows leaders how to build next-level teams that are spiritually, emotionally, and relationally healthy, productive, and high-performing. 

    Short, to-the-point chapters make the audiobook easy to digest and the perfect resource for your team to listen through together.

    ©2018 eChristian (P)2018 eChristian

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