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Hiding in Plain Sight

De : Elce-Junior Lauriston
Lu par : Paul de Sousa
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In Part I, I dive into Adventist doctrines about the nature of death, the nature of man, the intermediate state, annihilation, and the final punishment of the unsaved. Adventism subscribes to the doctrine of soul sleep, the nonexistence of an immaterial, conscious human spirit that survives the death of the body, and annihilation of the unsaved in the final judgement.

In Part II, I deal with Adventist beliefs and arguments regarding an unsavory teaching of Ellen White. She stated that some animals and "races of men" were the result of "amalgamation of man and beast." Perhaps more than any other issue, this has consistently been an embarrassing teaching of Adventists that keeps being agitated.

Ellen White made some beautiful statements about Black people, but she also made a lot more racist ones. She even forbids Black and White interracial marriages, and advocated for segregation.

In Part III, I tackle and expose several of Ellen White's failed and false prophecies, which surely prove her to be a false prophet. A hallmark of 19th century false prophets is that they contradict Scripture and themselves. In this section, I will walk you through hordes of Ellen White's contradictions of Scripture, as well as of herself. She seemed to have been very ignorant of what Scripture teaches on a plethora of issues, and just could not keep up with the endless things she was writing, plagiarizing, and making up.

Lastly, in Part IV I give some practical tips and advice that can help disillusioned Adventists regain control of their lives, minds, and sanity after discovering that Adventism is wrong. Sadly, the majority of ex-Adventists become agnostics and atheists because of the nature of Adventist doctrines and the cultish brainwashing. But this does not have to be your experience. You can have a normal, vibrant, meaningful life after escaping the clutches of Adventism.

©2022 Elce Junior Lauriston (P)2024 Paul de Sousa
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