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  • Hiding for My Life

  • Being Gay in the Navy
  • De : Karen Solt
  • Lu par : Karen Solt
  • Durée : 8 h et 9 min

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Hiding for My Life

De : Karen Solt
Lu par : Karen Solt
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    Karen Solt, an eighteen-year-old nonconformist with an alcohol problem, is working at a gas station when a slick Navy recruiter railroads her into enlisting in the military. Before she knows it, she is on a ship in the Deep South, struggling to navigate not only a world much different from her small Northern Arizona hometown, but also her new discovery: she’s gay.

    Figuring out her sexuality clarifies many things, but also creates a daunting new set of problems for Karen. It’s 1984: being gay in the Navy is considered a crime, and gay Sailors are regularly hunted by the Navy Criminal Investigative Service. Discovery means being kicked out, and by this point she is committed to the uniform (and to remaining with her first girlfriend, who is also enlisted). So she learns to hide her secret and find a way to serve—and even thrive professionally—without getting caught. But concealing her truth ultimately leads to devastating consequences.

    A story of desire, addiction, the damage of secrets, the power of community, and the soul-crushing cost of turning people into “others,” Hiding for my Life is a celebration of the resilience of the human spirit—and a poignant call for each of us to come out from hiding and live our truth.

    ©2024 Karen Solt (P)2024 Karen Solt

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