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Couverture de Hiding Him

Hiding Him

De : Adam Hattan
Lu par : Matthew Biddulph
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    Are you looking for a funny, romantic and slightly spicy listen this Summer? Then Adam Hattan has you covered with his debut novel Hiding Him!

    Kick back with this heart-warming story that's got buckets of charm, characters you'll quickly fall in love with and a fair amount of drama that'll leave your heart racing. The perfect addition to any young-adult, LGBTQ+ romance or rom-com audiobook listener's collection.

    Let's get one thing straight: Cameron Hawkins isn't. What he is, is hopelessly single and longing to escape his village in the arse-end-of-nowhere. That is until a newcomer arrives: Finn. He's tall, dark, obscenely handsome and somewhat of an enigma...

    Is Finn the answer to Cam's happily ever after? Or will shadows of the past stand in the way of their palpable chemistry?

    Hiding Him explores coming of age, coming out and hearts coming together. In this warm and cosy listen, get ready to laugh with friends, relish in a little spice and gird your loins for several adrenaline-charged moments.

    ©2024 The Hattan Company Ltd. (P)2024 The Hattan Company Ltd.
    • Série : Hiding Him, Volume 1
    • Version intégrale Livre audio
    • Catégories : LGBT

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