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Couverture de Hidden Stories of Jesus in Britain

Hidden Stories of Jesus in Britain

De : Ben Kimball, Pam Kimball, Bron Kimball
Lu par : Joe Biedrzycki
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    Jesus of Nazareth was the most influential person to ever walk the earth, so why do we have no record of him for nearly two decades of his short life? Or have we just not looked in the right places?

    Narratives have long trickled out of the British Isles pointing to a significant connection with Jesus and with some of His most prominent disciples. Evidence reveals that Britain was not only the epicenter of an ancient global religion but became the first light of Christianity after the crucifixion.

    Was the royal lineage of King David preserved in the ancient British Isles?

    Did the ancient Druids hold beliefs in common with Judeo-Christianity?

    Was Joseph of Arimathea more than a wealthy disciple of Jesus?

    Did a young Jesus walk the shores of Britain, and if so, why? What was he doing in that remote corner of the world?

    If the answer to any of these questions is yes, why have these accounts not been more widely shared?

    These hidden stories out of Celtic Britain abound in heroism, sacrifice, and faith. The rise and ultimate fall of these noble people is a story for the ages. A battle for transparency continues today as this book reveals ancient manuscripts and other evidence that shed needed light on Britain and on the life of Jesus prior to His final ministry in Palestine.

    ©2023 Ben, Bron, and Pam Kimball (P)2024 Ben, Bron, and Pam Kimball

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