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Hidden Secrets of Confidence Uncovered

De : Shawn Christian MD
Lu par : Shawn Christian MD
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    How many times have you told yourself, “This is impossible” or “I can’t do this”?

    People assume that self-confidence is black and white; either you have self-confidence, or you don’t. However, self-confidence is a skill that can be learned, acquired, and grown through conscious actions and concerted effort.

    Hidden Secrets of Confidence Uncovered unveils the top 17 secrets to confidence and paves the path for listeners to eliminate self-doubt, negative self-talk, and low self-esteem from their daily lives. Through these 17 secrets to confidence, you will transform your negative thoughts into positive ones and grow a sense of self-confidence like never before. Self-confidence will guide you toward greater success in all aspects of your life, whether it be earning that promotion you want at work, finding your spouse, planning your dream vacation, or getting into the number one university on your list.

    Fears, doubts, and negativity can get in the way of success when you do not have a strong sense of self-confidence. Shawn Christian, MD, entrepreneur, author, and founder of Confidenceiatry™ offers listeners insider tips and tricks that helped him complete a 75-mile backpacking trip, earn a second-degree black belt in martial arts, close business deals, and find success in everyday life.

    If you are struggling with self-confidence, looking to grow your self-esteem, or seeking healthy habits to integrate into your current routine, then this book is for you. By following these top 17 secrets to confidence, you will find yourself saying, “I can do this", ultimately leading you to great success in all aspects of your life.

    ©2020 Shawn Christian, MD (P)2020 Shawn Christian, MD

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