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Couverture de Here the Dark

Here the Dark

De : David Bergen
Lu par : Michael Braun
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    From the streets of Danang, Vietnam, where a boy falls in with a young American missionary, to fishermen lost off the islands of Honduras, to the Canadian prairies, where a teenage boys infatuation reveals his naiveté and an aging rancher finds himself smitten, the short stories in Here the Dark explore the spaces between doubt and belief, evil and good, obscurity and light. 

    Following men and boys bewildered by their circumstances and swayed by desire, surprised by love and by their capacity for both tenderness and violence, and featuring a novella about a young woman who rejects the laws of her cloistered Mennonite community, Scotiabank Giller Prizewinner David Bergens latest deftly renders complex moral ambiguities and asks what it means to be lostand how we might be found.

    ©2020 David Bergen (P)2020 Recorded Books, Inc.

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