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Couverture de Hercules


De : Scott Bateman
Lu par : Angus King
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    Brought to you by Penguin.

    The legendary story of the Lockheed C-130 Hercules jet, told through the eyes of former RAF captain Scott Bateman

    Anytime, Anywhere, Anyhow. Whether it’s war, natural disaster, or humanitarian emergency, for over fifty years the RAF’s Hercules force was the first in and last out of any crisis faced by the UK government around the globe.

    First conceived in the 1950s, the US-built Lockheed C-130 Hercules earned its spurs flying difficult and dangerous missions in the Vietnam War before entering service with air forces around the world. Originally designed as transport aircraft, the Hercules has been pressed into service as an aerial tanker, gunship, spyplane, air-sea rescuer and bomber. It’s even been flown from an aircraft carrier - the largest aeroplane ever to do so. Instantly recognisable, it became synonymous with daring special forces missions like the legendary raid in Entebbe in which dozens of hostages were rescued from the clutches of terrorists. In RAF colours it's seen action on every continent on the planet including Antarctica, flying life and death missions in the Falklands, Lebanon, Iraq, Libya, Afghanistan, Sudan and all points in between.

    Former RAF Hercules Captain Scott Bateman opens the cockpit to give an action-packed insider’s account of what it’s like to fly this legendary flying machine in peace and war, and at home and abroad, paying tribute to the remarkable men and women who operated this much-loved aircraft, and to those comrades in arms who, in doing so, made the ultimate sacrifice.

    ‘The literary equivalent to injecting pure adrenaline into your brain via your eyeball … it’s a blast from start to finish’ AVIATION HISTORIAN

    ©2024 Scott Bateman (P)2024 Penguin Audio

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