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Couverture de Her Here

Her Here

De : Amanda Dennis
Lu par : Amanda Dennis, Julia Atwood
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    “Dennis is in possession of hypnotic narrative gifts and a ferocious intellect. With Her Here, she has claimed her place in the literary world.” (Rebecca Makkai, author of Music for Wartime and The Great Believers)

    “In Her Here, Dennis has written a metaphysical investigation that is also a wonderfully personal account of a daughter coming to terms with the loss of her mother, and a mother coming to terms with the loss of her daughter. As Elena conjures Ella’s last days, the richly imagined narrative moves back and forth between Paris and Thailand, carrying both characters and readers to a vivid and suspenseful conclusion.” (Margot Livesey, author of The Flight of Gemma Hardy and The Boy in the Field)

    Elena, struggling with memory loss due to a trauma that has unmoored her sense of self, deserts graduate school and a long-term relationship to accept a bizarre proposition from an estranged family friend in Paris: She will search for a young woman, Ella, who went missing six years earlier in Thailand, by rewriting her journals. As she delves deeper into Ella’s story, Elena begins to lose sight of her own identity and drift dangerously toward self-annihilation.

    Her Here is an existential detective story with a shocking denouement that plumbs the creative and destructive powers of narrative itself.

    ©2021 Amanda Dennis (P)2021 Random House Audio

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