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Couverture de Henry VI, Pt.3

Henry VI, Pt.3

De : William Shakespeare
Lu par : Richard Marquand, Toby Robertson, David Rowe-Beddoe, Gordon Gardner, Peter Orr, full cast
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    William Collins Books and Decca Records are proud to present ARGO Classics, a historic catalogue of classic prose and verse read by some of the world’s most renowned voices. Originally released as vinyl records, these expertly remastered stories are now available to download for the first time.

    ‘To weep is to make less the depth of grief.’

    Henry VI Part III is part of Shakespeare’s trilogy centred on the Wars of the Roses.

    After York's claims to the throne, Henry changes the succession and makes York his heir, disinheriting his own son. Henry's queen kills York, and York's son Edward seizes the throne. Henry is imprisoned several times and eventually killed by King Edward's brother, Richard.

    All of the Shakespeare plays within the ARGO Classics catalogue are performed by the Marlowe Dramatic Society and Professional Players. The Marlowe was founded in 1907 with a mission to focus on effective delivery of verse, respect the integrity of texts, and rescue neglected plays by Shakespeare’s contemporaries and the less performed plays of Shakespeare himself. The Marlowe has performed annually at Cambridge Arts Theatre since its opening in 1936 and continues to produce some of the finest actors of their generations.

    Thurston Dart, Professor of Music at London University and a Fellow of Jesus College Cambridge, directed the music for this production.

    The full cast includes: Richard Marquand; Gordon Gardner; Toby Robertson; David Rowe-Beddoe; Trevor Bowen; Bob Jones; David Burke; Anthony Arlidge; John Shrapnel; Peter Orr; Richard Wordsworth; Malcolm Page; Patrick Garland; Patrick Wymark; George Rylands; Frank Duncan; James Taylor Whitehead; Denis McCarthy; John Shrapnel; John Hopkins; Dudley Jones; Martin Spencer; Malcolm Page; Mary Morris; Margaretta Scott; Carol Macready.

    Public Domain (P)2020 HarperCollins Publishers Limited

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