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De : Madilyn DeRose
Lu par : Dean Yates
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San Francisco is widely known as a hub for technology, sky-high rent prices, and a great night life. Underneath it all, it’s also home to a coven of vampires that have learned to blend in flawlessly. With two powerful leaders keeping things running smoothly, nobody could pose a threat to their way of life. The best threats, though, came from the inside.

The only thing Lock loves more than blood is power, which is why he's been planning a flawless coup d'état for over a decade. Nothing would get in his way. When vampires suddenly start going feral in the streets, it’s bound to complicate things. Lock is nothing if not imaginative, though. He isn't afraid to paint the city in red, as long as he gets what he wants in the end.

When he meets Sam, he finds that what he wants might become more volatile than he expected. Killing her would be the smartest move if he wants everything to go according to plan. He refused to throw away a decade of planning for some redhead with a bad attitude. San Francisco would be his, even if he has to kill everybody that stands in his way

©2023 Natasha Cox (P)2024 Natasha Cox
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