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Couverture de Help! My Company Swiped Left!

Help! My Company Swiped Left!

De : Jill L. Ferguson, Laura C. Browne
Lu par : Laura C. Browne
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    Work and corporate america can be brutal, especially now.

    Help! My Company Swiped Left! provides a reality-check—correcting our sometimes delusional expectations on life and work while offering hope and inspiration to anyone who has left a job, whether through their own accord or through being fired or laid off.

    Using dating and relationships as a metaphor and story examples throughout, the authors unpack what happens to us emotionally, mentally, and physically when we experience the trauma of parting ways with an employer before offering ways to heal and move forward into healthier work relationships.

    ©2023 In Your Face Ink LLC and Jill L. Ferguson and Laura C. Browne (P)2023 In Your Face Ink LLC and Jill L. Ferguson and Laura C. Browne

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